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Travel sessions are by far my favorite! This Nashville couples session did not disappoint! Liza and Ryan were the perfect couple to kick off my travel sessions this year. I just have to let you all know this session almost gave me a panic attack. I am a California girl so I was not used to weather changing every hour. I watched the weather everyday for weeks and it was always so different. One day it said it would be sunny the next it would say it was going to have thunder storms all day. I don’t know about you but this Cali girl is not used to real thunder storms like the ones they have in the south. Fast forward to the day of the shoot. It was great weather until the minute we started to drive to the bridge. It started to pour and the thunder storms had finally arrived. I prayed the whole drive to the bridge and came up with creative ways we could still shoot despite the weather. Let me tell you guys the moment we stepped out of the car the storm stopped! We ran to the bridge and I had a plastic bag over my camera just in case the storm decided to come back on less than a moments notice. It was a miracle and I am oh so grateful that the storm held off for that hour.

Ryan and Liza are truly a couple in love. Ryan constantly made Liza laugh and gave her kisses upon kisses. I mean this couple gets best kiss of the year award for sure! Even though this couple had to move out of the way every couple minutes when cars would come by they somehow pulled off looking like they had all the time in the world on that bridge. I could go on and on about how much I love this couple but I want the pictures to speak for themselves so go have a look.

Ryan and Liza’s story told from Liza’s point of view.

Ryan and I met our freshman year of college but didn’t get to really know each other until our junior year in a class we took together. The first day of class our professor had us go around introducing ourselves and tell the class our post graduation plans. After hearing the same old story over and over a mysterious voice came from the very back corner of the room saying his plans were to sail around the world. I wouldn’t call it love at first sight, but if love at first listen is a thing then there you go. He had my attention. Then we were placed in a study group together forced to exchange phone numbers. That was that, we would grab lunch, skip class and lay under trees on campus. Once we even caught fireflies together, keeping them in jars with holes at the top (they eventually escaped and we’re all over my room). I asked Ryan what his favorite date or memory has been with me and he said “every one.”

Excuse me while I go swoon.

Dress: Flynn Skye

Nashville Couples Session | Jana Contreras Photography Nashville Couples Session | Jana Contreras PhotographyNashville Couples Session | Jana Contreras Photography   Nashville Couples Session | Jana Contreras Photography Nashville Couples Session | Jana Contreras Photography  Nashville Couples Session | Jana Contreras PhotographyNashville Couples Session | Jana Contreras Photography Nashville Couples Session | Jana Contreras Photography Nashville Couples Session | Jana Contreras Photography Nashville Couples Session | Jana Contreras Photography Nashville Couples Session | Jana Contreras Photography Nashville Couples Session | Jana Contreras Photography Nashville Couples Session | Jana Contreras Photography Nashville Couples Session | Jana Contreras Photography Nashville Couples Session | Jana Contreras Photography

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